"News about my future will be announced in due course" - Carlos Sainz Jr. announces his departure from Ferrari (2024)

Carlos Sainz announced his departure from Ferrari after Lewis Hamilton’s move to the team was confirmed. The Spaniard suggested that news about his future would be announced soon, after both teams confirmed the rumors and speculations surrounding the switch.

In a bold career move, Hamilton has been confirmed to join the Maranello team for the 2025 season and beyond, which leaves Carlos Sainz out. The Spanish driver, who was in negotiations with the team to renew his contract, was not confirmed along with teammate Charles Leclerc, whose contract was extended with a multi-year deal for 2024 and beyond.

Commenting after a series of confirmations by both teams, Carlos Sainz posted a statement on social media saying:

“Following today’s news, Scuderia Ferrari and myself will part ways at the end of 2024. We still have a long season ahead of us and like always, I will give my absolute best for the team and for the Tifosi around the world. News about my future will be announced in due course.”

Announcing his departure from Ferrari, Carlos Sainz stated that he would be making a further announcement about his next move in due course. With multiple options available, the Spanish driver is being linked to Audi and Williams.

However, there are several seats available on the grid including Mercedes and his former backers Red Bull, as multiple drivers are out of contract at the end of 2024.

How did a new sponsorship hint at Carlos Sainz's departure from Ferrari?

Ferrari’s announcement of Peroni Nastro Azzurro as a partner three days ago was one of the major hints at Carlos Sainz's departure from the team. Estrella Galicia has been their sponsor for all of the Spanish driver’s tenure with them.

The Spanish beer brand has partnered with the 29-year-old for a long time in his Formula 1 career and was even seen on the McLaren he drove. The announcement of another beverage was a significant indicator of the news cycle that started February 2024.

Announcing the new sponsor at the end of January, Ferrari team principal Frederic Vasseur said in a team statement:

“We are very pleased to announce the partnership between Scuderia Ferrari and Peroni Nastro Azzurro 0.0%. Having both brands represented in the blue riband category of motorsport contributes to ensuring strong visibility for Italy on the world stage. Our two great companies have many values in common, such as an eye for detail and style, as well as an ability to combine tradition and innovation in our respective fields. I’m looking forward to our collaboration with Peroni Nastro Azzurro 0.0% , which I’m sure will prove to be a great success for both parties."

On whether Carlos Sainz was caught unaware of the Hamilton to Ferrari news, Sky Sports pundit Craig Slater said:

“I think we are hearing that he had sight of this at least a couple of weeks ago. That’s what I've been told. At least he did know that he was not getting a new deal a couple of weeks ago, so whether he knew Lewis was coming in or not or whether Lewis is coming in or not, or that kind of has to ascertained at the moment. But certainly he now needs to find another pathway. If Mercedes had wanted Sainz, if he was a candidate, why not make a straight swap, and maybe not sit out for a year with a driver on his way out.”

Slater claimed on the Sky Sports podcast that Carlos Sainz might have been aware of Ferrari not renewing his contract for a couple of weeks, which is understandable after Peroni was announced as a partner. While the Spanish driver’s future is speculative, one can see a plethora of options opening up for him, given his solid victories in 2022 and 2023.

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Edited by Prathik BR


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Carlos Sainz's Departure from Ferrari and Hamilton's Move

Carlos Sainz announced his departure from Ferrari after Lewis Hamilton’s move to the team was confirmed. The Spaniard suggested that news about his future would be announced soon, after both teams confirmed the rumors and speculations surrounding the switch. In a bold career move, Hamilton has been confirmed to join the Maranello team for the 2025 season and beyond, which leaves Carlos Sainz out. The Spanish driver, who was in negotiations with the team to renew his contract, was not confirmed along with teammate Charles Leclerc, whose contract was extended with a multi-year deal for 2024 and beyond.

Carlos Sainz's Future Options

Announcing his departure from Ferrari, Carlos Sainz stated that he would be making a further announcement about his next move in due course. With multiple options available, the Spanish driver is being linked to Audi and Williams. However, there are several seats available on the grid, including Mercedes and his former backers Red Bull, as multiple drivers are out of contract at the end of 2024.

Sponsorship Hint at Carlos Sainz's Departure from Ferrari

Ferrari’s announcement of Peroni Nastro Azzurro as a partner was a major hint at Carlos Sainz's departure from the team. Estrella Galicia has been their sponsor for all of the Spanish driver’s tenure with them. The Spanish beer brand has partnered with the 29-year-old for a long time in his Formula 1 career and was even seen on the McLaren he drove. The announcement of another beverage was a significant indicator of the news cycle that started in February 2024.

Carlos Sainz's Awareness of the Situation

Sky Sports pundit Craig Slater mentioned that Carlos Sainz might have been aware of Ferrari not renewing his contract for a couple of weeks, which is understandable after Peroni was announced as a partner. While the Spanish driver’s future is speculative, one can see a plethora of options opening up for him, given his solid victories in 2022 and 2023.

I hope this information provides a comprehensive understanding of the concepts related to Carlos Sainz's departure from Ferrari and the developments in the Formula 1 world. If you have any further questions or need more details, feel free to ask!

"News about my future will be announced in due course" - Carlos Sainz Jr. announces his departure from Ferrari (2024)


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